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Overstretching or overworking of the hips can lead to soft tissue pain in muscles or connective tissue.

Soft tissue injuries are relatively common and affect nearly everyone at some point in life, whether active or relatively inactive. These injuries can vary in severity and affect almost all parts of the body, including the hips. Hip pain that seems to be stemming from the hip joint may result from soft tissue injury. This type of injury can result from muscle strain or general overuse, stress, or working in cold environmental conditions.


Soft tissue damage in the hips can affect muscles and connective tissue, like ligaments and tendons. Symptoms of mild tissue injury in the hips may include:

  • Pain or tenderness.
  • Bruising or swelling in the affected area.
  • Weakness or limited range of motion in your hips.
  • Hip Pain can be mild or debilitating. If pain is chronic or severe, it should be examined by a healthcare provider.


Hip disorders can cause chronic pain, as well as seriously affect your mobility. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is key in your successful hip treatment and care. Diagnosing your hip pain will include a physical examination by your doctor, as well as manipulation of the leg to help determine resistance, popping, range of motion, and pain source. If a hip injury or disorder is suspected, your doctor may recommend additional tests, such as:

  • X-rays: To determine bone density and check for bone fractures and abnormalities.
  • Bone scan: To identify bone diseases or new bone growth.
  • Ultrasound: To check for developmental dysplasia or evaluate abnormalities without the use of radiation.
  • MRI: To check for tears or fraying in the labrum or cartilage.
  • CT scan: To obtain a more detailed image of the hip joint.
  • Bone biopsy: To determine bone and tissue abnormalities by taking a small sample of bone through a needle.


A hip arthroscopy is recommended if you have a painful condition that does not respond to nonsurgical treatments such as rest, physical therapy, and medications or injections to reduce inflammation. This procedure may relieve painful symptoms associated with injuries or other problems that damage the labrum, articular cartilage or other soft tissues surrounding the joint.

Don’t hesitate to book a consultation with our Orthopedic Specialists at the Sports & Orthopedic Center to know more about Soft tissue injuries
